Hang and Flute speak the story of an Alchemist

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So, 13. 8. 2016, 20:00 Hang and Flute speak the story of an Alchemist Diera do sveta / LIPTOVSKÝ MIKULÁŠ Dávid Juraj Raši
Pi, 12. 8. 2016, 19:00 Hang and Flute speak the story of an Alchemist Coffee Place / BOJNICE Dávid Juraj Raši
Št, 11. 8. 2016, 20:00 Hang and Flute speak the story of an Alchemist Farhof Arf Club / BANSKÁ BYSTRICA Dávid Juraj Raši
St, 10. 8. 2016, 20:30 Hang and Flute speak the story of an Alchemist Viedeň [7Stern] Dávid Juraj Raši
Ut, 9. 8. 2016, 21:00 Hang and Flute speak the story of an Alchemist Rustique (Bratislava - Staré mesto) Dávid Juraj Raši